Petroleum is and has been our most efficient source of energy since the invention of combustion engines, but our ancestors didn't realize the damage that it might produce to the environment because of the production of CO2 due to the burn of this fossil. Now the world has united to find new and more efficient and cleaner sources of energy that don't affect our environment and our health. Change is right in our doorway, but some people are doing everything they can to keep that door closed.
Some different alternatives for Petroleum have been discovered, but braking up our dependency to fossil combustibles will require to stop using any type of fossil combustibles such as Gas, Carbon and petroleum which affect our environment by polluting the atmosphere and provoking the green house effect and global warming. Here are some new alternatives for clean and efficient electricity:
Eolic Energy or Wind Energy: It works with the power of wind, almost like a windmill, but instead of using the power of the wind for crushing grains, they produce friction with this and produce energy. This year, Eolic turbines have generated about 1% of the electricity in EU and they believe that by 2020 it will produce the 20% of the energy in EU due to the expansion of this industry. This type of energy is very clean and ingenious, but it is very expensive and that's why the construction of Eolic turbines has decreased in 77% due to this.
Solar Energy: It works with the power of the solar rays that are catched with solar panels. The domestic use of this type of energy has expanded due to its efficiency and cleanliness, even the Vatican has decided to light up the city by using Solar panels.. The industry wants to be able to produce 200 gigawatts/hour by 2030, this will light up 20 thousand families. But the price of the Solar panels is extremely high. a 3 kilowatts panel costs about 25 thousand dollars, but the price is lowering and hopefully they will be affordable to every family in a few years.
Bio-Ethanol: This is a Bio-fuel is an alcohol produced by fermenting sugars in sugar cane, corn and can produce a very effective fuel. A gallon of this fuel can cost less than a dollar but the problem is that less than 1% of the nations gas stations cannot distribute this fuel.
Now, the big petroleum industries such as Texaco, Esso, Shell; have been doing all what they can to stop this new forms of energy to enter the market and destroying the monopoly that this coorporations have build. Also, in the USA, Goerge Bush, being the president of the United States and also owns half of the petroleum in Texas, has been indirectly stopping the source of this new energies, for his own families benefit.
In conctision, the new types of energy are here, there are many of them and they are the solution to all the environmental problems we are facing now like Green house effect and global warming. But some Coorporation have been doing all what they can to make it impossible for this new fuels and sources of energy to succed. This new combustibles will reduce the emissions of CO2, improving our respiratory system, overall health, and also healping mother Earth and saving the human raze from an inminent death.
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