Sunday, October 5, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

To understand better the meaning of the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, It is better to have knowledge of the authors life and habitat, this way; the reader can have a more profound understanding of the play. Also, the reader can develop the meaning of the play and what provoked it.

William Shakespeare lived in England during the 16th century, a time when the Christian church was in conflict with the British royalty; therefore the royalty decided to create their own new religion, the Protestant church. The King started to eliminate many Christian believers in Briton and Shakespeare’s dad was one of them. He was Stratford’s mayor, and he had to quit because he was Christian and he was already having trouble with the law. Because of this Shakespeare had to quit school. In the “Romeo and Juliet” this fight between both families, Montague’s and Capulet’s, can be directly compared to the fight between the Christian church and the new Protestant church. He didn’t refer to both religions in the whole play because when he wrote it Briton was at the helm of Queen Elizabeth who wouldn’t tolerate this and Shakespeare could get into serious trouble. Even though, not many people in this age would understand this comparison between the families and the religions, I think he just didn’t take the risk.

Many things in Shakespeare’s life allude to events in the play. Shakespeare falls in love with Ann Hathaway, she gets pregnant and they have to marry very quickly. In the same way that Romeo and Juliet get married real quick. Back to William’s life, they go to another town in a rush to get married. They meet John Frith, the church’s priest, he experiments with herbs and animals, just like Friar Laurence, the priest that marries Romeo and Juliet in the play.

In conclusion, Shakespeare’s message with his play is not mainly what it seems. Without knowing nothing about his habitat or life the reader could think that the meaning of this play is about love and risks, but after understanding his life you can have a more profound knowledge and realize he is making a social critique about what was happening in England at that time.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The decline of Petroleum

Petroleum is and has been our most efficient source of energy since the invention of combustion engines, but our ancestors didn't realize the damage that it might produce to the environment because of the production of CO2 due to the burn of this fossil. Now the world has united to find new and more efficient and cleaner sources of energy that don't affect our environment and our health. Change is right in our doorway, but some people are doing everything they can to keep that door closed.

Some different alternatives for Petroleum have been discovered, but braking up our dependency to fossil combustibles will require to
stop using any type of fossil combustibles such as Gas, Carbon and petroleum which affect our environment by polluting the atmosphere and provoking the green house effect and global warming. Here are some new alternatives for clean and efficient electricity:

Eolic Energy or Wind Energy: It works with the power of wind, almost like a windmill, but instead of using the power of the wind for crushing grains, they produce friction with this and produce energy. This year, Eolic turbines have generated about 1% of the electricity in EU and they believe that by 2020 it will produce the 20% of the energy in EU due to the expansion of this industry. This type of energy is very clean and ingenious, but it is very expensive and that's why the construction of Eolic turbines has decreased in 77% due to this.

Solar Energy: It works with the power of the solar rays that are catched with solar panels. The domestic use of this type of energy has expanded due to its efficiency and cleanliness, even the Vatican has decided to light up the city by using Solar panels.. The industry wants to be able to produce 200 gigawatts/hour by 2030, this will light up 20 thousand families. But the price of the Solar panels is extremely high. a 3 kilowatts panel costs about 25 thousand dollars, but the price is lowering and hopefully they will be affordable to every family in a few years.

Bio-Ethanol: This is a Bio-fuel is an alcohol produced by fermenting sugars in sugar cane, corn and can produce a very effective fuel. A gallon of this fuel can cost less than a dollar but the problem is that less than 1% of the nations gas stations cannot distribute this fuel.

Now, the big petroleum industries such as Texaco, Esso, Shell; have been doing all what they can to stop this new forms of energy to enter the market and destroying the monopoly that this coorporations have build. Also, in the USA, Goerge Bush, being the president of the United States and also owns half of the petroleum in Texas, has been indirectly stopping the source of this new energies, for his own families benefit.

In conctision, the new types of energy are here, there are many of them and they are the solution to all the environmental problems we are facing now like Green house effect and global warming. But some Coorporation have been doing all what they can to make it impossible for this new fuels and sources of energy to succed. This new combustibles will reduce the emissions of CO2, improving our respiratory system, overall health, and also healping mother Earth and saving the human raze from an inminent death.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Justa pena para violadores de niños

Durante los últimos meses, se ha llevado a cabo una colecta de firmas con el fin de aumentar la condena de los violadores y asesinos de niños menores de 14 años a cadena perpetua. La propuesta es llevada a cabo por la Concejala de Bogotá, Gilma Jiménez, con el apoyo de la Fiscalía, la Procuraduría y Bienestar Familiar. Al recolectar las 3 millones de firmas necesarias para provocar el cambio en la Constitución Colombiana que dice que en Colombia se prohíbe la cadena perpetua. Con esta reforma se busca disminuir las altísimas cifras de niños y niñas que anualmente son víctimas de abuso sexual y otro tipo de delitos a lo largo y ancho de Colombia.

La colecta de firmas comenzó el 25 de Junio de 2008, una fecha que nos hace pensar lo egoístas y desinteresados que somos en Colombia, esto se debió haber hecho hace años. Con el paso del tiempo permitimos a psicópatas como Garavito salirse con la suya, 140 niños torturados, violados y asesinados no es algo normal, pero aun así la justicia en Colombia es supremamente débil con asesinos y violadores pues hay probabilidades que Garavito, de 49 años, capturado el 22 de abril de 1999, recobre la libertad en cuatro años por rebajas de penas originadas en su confesión, según lo planteo un reportaje del Canal RCN. Por eso, la cadena perpetua, es lo mejor para eliminar a estos psicópatas de nuestras calles.

“Más de un millón de niños en este país cada año son víctimas de delitos atroces; 200.000 son violados, calcula La Fiscalía y La Procuraduría calcula 25.000 explotados sexualmente, la mal llamada prostitución infantil” Dice Jiménez, una cifra espeluznante para cualquiera y que por medio de esta reforma se pretende controlar la cifra de violaciones y producir temor en los violadores quienes pensaran varias veces antes de cometer el crimen. También dijo “incorporar el castigo de hasta prisión perpetua para castigar los delitos de asesinato, violencia y explotación sexual, maltrato severo y secuestro cometido contra niños menores de 14 años”.

En conclusión, mano dura es lo que se necesita en Colombia y con propuestas innovadoras como la de la Concejala Gilma Jiménez se llegará a un cambio, por que la justicia debe estar en constante cambio de acuerdo a la situación actual del país. La cadena perpetua es el primer paso para el control de violación de menores de edad ya la mayoría de violadores cuando recuperan su libertad vuelven a violar y es por eso que necesitamos un sistema penal más efectivo y con penas acordes al delito cometido, siendo los que se cometen en niños los más abominables que existen.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The dead end of Western civilization

Hipsters are just another of the many counter-culture movements that are in fashion nowa days. They descend from the Punk culture, but not the "punks" we see on the streets, the real punks who actually had a meaning for being rebel who listened to real punk like the sex pistols or the ramounes. Hipsters have about the same style but the difference between old punks and hipsters is that Hipsters are just a bunch of ignorants who think they are following some kind of rebel movment by dressing in some way and smoking ciggarettes and drinking beer, but they are some crappy teenagers trying to follow some fashion, just like neo-punk, goth, emo, scene, etc.

Hipster support art and music, thats nice because there are few people who really enjoys these. It is nice to find people like that who really know some things about Arts, but finding people like that is exclusive for big metropolis where sub-cultures are easy to find. Here in Cali you wont find almost anyone like that because this "city" is so close minded and very influenced by the drug buissness and it has become a place where everyone must think the same way.

Back to the Hipsters, all these counter-cultures are temporary, they are just fashion and are full of kids who are just trying to fit-in in some kind of society not being them-selves. that kinda pisses me off.
anyway here are some pictures of some bands I think have some Hipster inffluence:


notice the do-it-yourself haircut, sking-tight jeans, leather jackets.



Bands like this are not influenced by Hipster, its the other way around, These bands created the Hipster movement.

i dont know what else to say... goodnite

Thursday, September 4, 2008

the human raze is shit

its true... we are the worst thing that has ever happen to planet earth. We are selfish, fake, materialists, addicted to power, superficial, egocentric, stereotypical, racist, killers, idiots, ignorant, unaware. That's pretty much all i can think right now but I'm sure there are much more characteristics.

We are obsessed with power, we live in a fake world always trying to catch this power, we don't care what stands on our way, we will crush him. everyone's "dream" is to be able to be one step up of the other, but that's just the nature of the human being and that's also the way we have survived but if you think about it, its a horrible thing, crushing another person for you own benefit.

You can count your real friends with your fingers, you are commonly surrounded by selfish people, who just pretend to fit in, they all want some kind of benefit from you and when they get it, goodbye. they will forget about you and appear again when they need you. why cant we all get along.

im bored now so ill just stop writing now, but basically tha's the idea, we are full of bullshit and we are a bunch of phony's .

thank you caffeine haha i dont wanna read this again so sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes i dont care

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The penn and teller show.

I saw this video a few days ago, it really made me think because part of it is true and the other part has no historic support.

The video is from the Penn and Teller show, they make some kind of little documentaries about world issues. So this one is about the bible and they say its bullshit*, well i agree since i am Agnostic. They say that the bible is full of inaccuracies and impossibilities and that its more fiction than fact. well off course its more fiction than fact, this because the bible should not be taken in a literal way and i think most Christians believe that this is actually metaphorical and that it teaches a way to live and not just a story. Off course, there are many Christian fanatics that believe that the bible is entirely true and think that if they don't follow what it says they will go to hell, that leading me to my next point.

In my opinion, all religions are just ways to control people and giving people values, in a good way this brought well, a way to live for people. But the human beings always have to ruin everything, we turned the bibles message around and corrupted it.

Back to the Penn and Teller Show, they say that its wrong using the bible as a guide for moral. Moral changes through the years. 2 million years ago it was fine to "stone to death" disobedient and also homosexuality was punished with death. but now this doesn't apply. Nowa days the bibles moral is old and anticuate.

i guess thats it

by the way watch The monty pythons life of brian, its hilarious and it also critizices the way the church was created.